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Straight Edge Resources

This page is designed to educate, inspire, and connect you with the diverse world of straight edge. Whether you’re seeking information, entertainment, or a sense of community, you’ll find it all right here.

Explore interviews with inspiring individuals who embrace the straight edge lifestyle, discover talented bands that align with these values, and dive into thought-provoking podcasts, documentaries, books, and articles. We also proudly showcase brands owned by those who identify as straight edge. 

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Straight edge is a lifestyle and subculture that originated within the punk and hardcore music scenes. It is characterized by a commitment to abstinence from drugs, alcohol, and smoking (vaping). At its core, straight edge promotes personal responsibility, self-control, and a dedication to living a clean and drug-free life. It serves as a positive alternative to mainstream norms and intoxication culture.

Straight edge fosters a sense of community and supports individuals in pursuing their passions and making conscious choices that align with their physical and mental well-being.

Straight edge is a lifestyle and subculture that originated within the punk and hardcore music scenes. It is characterized by a commitment to abstinence from drugs, alcohol, and smoking (vaping). At its core, straight edge promotes personal responsibility, self-control, and a dedication to living a clean and drug-free life. It serves as a positive alternative to mainstream norms and intoxication culture.

Straight edge fosters a sense of community and supports individuals in pursuing their passions and making conscious choices that align with their physical and mental well-being.

Yes, the use of necessary medication is considered compatible with straight edge beliefs. Straight edge is primarily focused on abstaining from recreational drug use.

The core principles of straight edge include abstaining from alcohol, drugs, and tobacco.

However, it’s important to note that straight edge is a personal choice and can be interpreted differently by individuals. While some people embrace additional aspects such as personal health, ethical living, and social activism as part of their straight edge lifestyle, these are not strict requirements.

Straight edge allows room for personal growth and individual expression.

Straight edge is primarily a response to intoxication culture, encompassing the choice to abstain from recreational drugs, alcohol, and smoking. Caffeine is generally not considered an edge break within the straight edge community. While some straight edge individuals may choose to avoid caffeine due to its stimulant properties, it is not typically viewed as a violation of the core principles.  Click here to see what Ian MacKay thinks of caffeine. 

There are way too many bands/styles to get into here. However, this Spotify playlist is a pretty good place to start: Straight Edge Anthems

No, celibacy is not a part of the straight edge lifestyle. While some people may interpret the line “Don’t fuck” from the song “Out of Step” by Minor Threat as a call for abstinence from sex, it is important to note that the intention behind those lyrics was different. Ian MacKaye, the songwriter and vocalist of Minor Threat, clarified in Tony Rettman’s book “Straight Edge: A Clear Headed Hardcore Punk History” that the line was not meant to advocate for celibacy. Instead, it was a statement against predatory and destructive sexual behavior, particularly the pressure put on teenagers to engage in unhealthy encounters.

While sobriety is an important aspect of the straight edge, it does not automatically make someone straight edge. 

Sobriety alone may indicate a decision to abstain from alcohol and drugs, but it does not necessarily encompass the broader set of principles and cultural aspects associated with straight edge. Straight edge involves embracing a specific subculture and adopting its values, which go beyond solely being sober.

If you identify as straight edge, it means you actively embrace the principles and lifestyle that come with it, including but not limited to sobriety. However, if you are solely focused on being sober without aligning with the other principles of straight edge, you may not necessarily identify as straight edge.

Straight Edge Voices

Straight Edge Bands & Brands

Straight Edge News

STRAIGHT EDGE - A COLLECTION OF INTERVIEWS - VOLUME 4 42 interviews from people all around the world living a Straight Edge lifestyle.

Straight Edge Links

Straight Edge Interview Project

Tell us about you? What do you do for a living? Do you have any pets, hobbies, pet projects? I work in higher education. I am currently half way through my Doctorate in Educational Leadership. I do a great deal of mental health advocacy through mental health associations including NAMI- Natio

Straight Edge Articles

Explore the misunderstood world of Straight Edge culture, from its hardcore punk roots to modern interpretations, and the misconceptions surrounding its ethos
Explore the challenges of maintaining authenticity in a culture often swayed by crowd mentality. Discover perspectives on inclusivity within the straightedge community, the debate over 'born edge' identity, and the importance of personal commitment beyond trends.