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Echoes of Redemption: A Journey from Despair to Strength Through Music and Straight Edge

For more than three decades, straight edge has ebbed and flowed through the hardcore scene.  The articles in this section span twenty years’ worth of ideas, feelings, and thoughts about straight edge from a female perspective.

Some of these articles were written by girls who are now women. Our thoughts were raw and unfiltered as teens.  We were (and some of still are) frustrated with the status quo. We are tired of having our voices drowned out.

As we have grown and evolved, so have our ideas about what it means to be straight edge.  These are our stories, our thoughts, our journeys.

Straight Edge

In the vibrant tapestry of hardcore history, Double Cross stands as a monumental chronicle, etched in the memories of hardcore kids. Founded in 2008 by the legendary Tim McMahon, vocalist of iconic straight-edge bands like Mouthpiece and Hands Tied, and his comrade-in-arms, Brian 'Gordo' Jordan, Dou
12-year-old Logan Kelly sits down with the legendary Ian MacKaye of Minor Threat. In this insightful conversation, Logan explores the essence of what it means to be Straight Edge and a Punk through the eyes of one of the genre's most influential figures.
Dive into the revolutionary role of Straight Edge women in the hardcore scene. Discover their history, challenges, and empowerment in the punk-rock wave of the '80s. Explore how they defy stereotypes and lead with resilience in a male-dominated space


In our latest feature, we spotlight Katja Schmitt, a 43-year-old single mother from Germany. Juggling the demands of motherhood and a full-time career, Katja dedicates her spare time to raising awareness about toxic relationships and PTSD. Recently embracing the straight edge lifestyle, she is part
In this interview, we feature Aesop Mongo, a 29-year-old graphic designer, and guitarist for No X Cure (Heavy Death/Dark/Metallic Hardcore Straight Edge out of Alabama). Keep reading to learn about her hobbies, how and when she claimed edge, and what currently driving her forward. Keep up
Join Mic and Stephen as they delve into the enduring influence of 108 on the hardcore scene, discussing its evolution since the '90s while retaining its essence. Explore the intersection of spirituality and hardcore, along with coffee reviews and a discussion on Mouth Full of Locusts' new EP.


Embracing Hardcore Music: Another Story Like Your Own

Exploring the diverse world of hardcore music fans, this personal journey into the shift from mainstream to hardcore, the Miami scene, and the unifying power of music.
Guest Poster
Gel 11-17-22 - Danielle Dombrowksi

Women in the Music Business: Breaking Gender Barriers in the Music Industry By Challenging Double Standards

Breaking Gender Barriers in the Music Industry: Challenges and Double Standards
Guest Poster

Challenging Stereotypes in Hardcore: My Journey

Exploring the Journey of a Female Musician in Hardcore: Battling Stereotypes, Navigating Challenges, and Inspiring Change in a Male-Dominated Scene
Guest Poster
Band Playing

Don’t Trip: Bay Area Hardcore

Discover the emerging punk/hardcore band Don't Trip from the Bay Area, known for its rich hardcore scene. Read about the band's formation, unique style influenced by both old-school and new hardcore bands, and their aspirations to revitalize the local scene with their impactful music and meaningful messages.
Guest Poster
Hardcore Before Christmas: A Benefit Show

Madrid’s Hardcore Scene: A Beacon of Positive Change

Hello! I’m Kiwi (@kiwipunx) and I’m here to tell you about some of the cool things we have going on in Madrid’s hardcore scene. Hardcore Before Christmas: A Benefit Show Last December 3rd, we organized Hardcore Before Christmas: a benefit show where all the money and toys we collected went towards giving immigrant kids in […]
Kiwi Carneiro

Dear Hardcore Men: Challenging Sexism and Toxic Masculinity in the Scene

Explore thought-provoking questions and reflections on the hardcore scene in 'Dear Hardcore Men: Challenging Sexism and Toxic Masculinity.' Join the conversation on gender dynamics, representation, and the journey to a more inclusive hardcore community.


Explore the overlooked issue of women's equality in the hardcore music scene, where gender biases and stereotypes often overshadow the call for social justice. This article delves into the challenges women face, from being misjudged to encountering objectification, and emphasizes the need for respec
Explore the world of hardcore music through the lens of sisterhood and solidarity. Join us as we delve into the challenges faced by women in the hardcore scene, challenge stereotypes, and promote inclusivity. Discover the power of unity and the importance of supporting one another. Read on to learn
Exploring the Journey of a Female Musician in Hardcore: Battling Stereotypes, Navigating Challenges, and Inspiring Change in a Male-Dominated Scene
Explore the challenges and perspectives of female participation in the hardcore and straight edge scenes in 'Breaking Barriers: Female Involvement in the Hardcore Scene.
Explore the unique challenges and experiences of a female musician in the hardcore music scene. This personal account delves into the journey with the band Fall River, the obstacles of gender bias and appearance, and the fight against objectification and stereotypes in a male-dominated field. A cand
Explore the Orange County hardcore scene and the quest for unity among women in this music subculture. Discover the challenges, the call for camaraderie, and the journey to make the hardcore community a true 'family.' Join us in empowering women within the hardcore music scene
a personal exploration of the hardcore music scene from the perspective of an individual seeking authenticity and a unique outlet. This article offers a candid reflection on the journey to find belonging, the challenges of being different, and the embrace of moshing as a form of self-expression and
Empowering Women: Defying Stereotypes in Hardcore Music Pits – Girls can mosh, and this article challenges the notion that hardcore music and pits are for guys only. Discover the spirit of inclusivity and share the love."
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